Research articles, conceptual paper, case study, technical report, all of the aspects are acceptable. Fitur di dalamnyapun dapat menunjang kegiatan akademik perkuliahan di kampus seperti mengelola kalender akademik, penjadwalan kuliah, registrasi ulang mahasiswa, KRS, KHS, penginputan nilai mahasiswa, transkrip nilai, program studi, ruangan, mata kuliah, dosen, mahasiswa, modul materi perkuliahan. Process reengineering, modeling and simulation, artificial intelligence, information security, social network, cloud computing,Įntrepreneurship, human resource management, operation management, financial management, strategic management, research online and other related topics. Download Source Code PHP MySQL Sistem Informasi Akademik Mahasiswa Berbasis web. Information systems, informatics, product based knowledge, computer science, knowledge management, business and management,īusiness IT, IT Governance, communication and marketing, enterprise architecture planning, business process management, business
The scope of this journal covering the field Computer, Technology and Business.
Jurnal Computech & Bisnis (JCB) is a national online journal, peer-reviewed, published by E Jurnal LPPM STMIK Mardira Indonesia,īandung.